News, Stories & Events
Our current & past stories, news, events & articles
Sexual Reproductive Health rights are fundamental principles of human rights. The legal and policy environment in Malawi hinders access to SRH services by Women and young people. Action Hope Malawi is working tirelessly to lobby Malawi Government and other stakeholders to review some of the policies and guidelines to give chances to Women and young people to access services without any problems.
Many women and girls in Malawi want/need to prevent unplanned pregnancies and access safe abortion services and post-abortion care, but currently, the resources, policies, and enabling environment do not allow them to access these services. Women/Girls' lives MATTER!
Nutritional Education For People with HIV
Good nutritional status is very important from the time a person is infected with HIV. Nutrition education at this early stage gives the person a chance to build up healthy eating habits and to take action to improve food security in the home, particularly as regards the cultivation, storage, and cooking of food.
With funding from Egmont Trust, UK, Action Hope Malawi is implementing a one-year project aimed at reversing malnutrition among children and at the same time improving ART adherence among young people.
Nutritional food
Being positive and healthy
Board Members Meeting
Policy Review Meeting
Action Hope Malawi reviews its policies, Annual plans and Budgets. During these meetings Board members recommend and approve these documents for the betterment of the organization. This also promotes oversight transparency and accountability role of Board members in an organization
Board Chairperson
Board Chair stressing a point during the Review, annual, and Budget formulation meeting
Board Members and Management
Cross section of Action Hope Malawi management and Board members
Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic
Action Hope Malawi, with funding from USAID through World Connect, is working hard to raise awareness of COVID-19, which has hit the world. Action Hope Malawi is also distributing Water buckets and Hand sanitizers, including soap to strategic places such as Markets, Health facilities, Churches, and Police stations.
Action Hope Malawi is using the Public Address System to reach out to people with COVID-19 preventive measures.Besides, Action Hope Malawi, with funding from AIDS-Fondet and Mac AIDS, has embarked on the fight against Coronavirus in Zomba, Machinga, and Blantyre. These water 💧 buckets and hand sanitizers will be placed at all bottle stores and public places.
Safety first
Stay Healthy
Water Buckets
Soap and Water Buckets
Lead by Example
Stay Clean
Gender-Based Violence Issues and Discussions
Gender-based violence (GBV) is violence that is directed at an individual based on his or her biological sex OR gender identity. It includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation, whether occurring in public or private life
With the primary purpose of ending gender-based violence and safeguarding the rights and well-being of women and children, Action Hope has taken the initiative by joining the police, community, and other stakeholders in marching against these crimes. Action Hope supports the government to uphold its responsibility to ensure that the rights of women and children are protected against violence across the nation.
Group Meetings
Action Hope Malawi has embarked on sensitizing community members in Zomba, Machinga, and Blantyre on the negative impacts of early marriages through community gatherings and media
Early Marriage and Pregnancy
The problem of early marriage and pregnancy in Malawi is big. Of the 171,572 pupils who had dropped out in 2015 (5.9%) did so because of marriage and a further 3,350 (1.4%) because of pregnancy making a total of 7 8%. Action Hope Malawi has embarked on sensitizing community members in Zomba, Machinga, and Blantyre on the negative impacts of early marriages through community gatherings and media
Stakeholders Taking Part
Action Hope Malawi, Malawi Police Service, Judiciary, and other Stakeholders taking part to end GBV among women and girls.
Taking the Initiative
Executive Director of Action Hope Malawi poses with Police officers Ending Gender-based Violence
End Gender Violence Campaign
Executive Director of Action Hope Malawi interacts with Media on Ending Gender-Based Violence among women and Girls. #16 days of Activism
Fight Against Child Abuse
Stakeholders Taking Part
Action Hope Malawi, Malawi Police Service, Judiciary, and other Stakeholders taking part to end GBV among women and girls.
Health Service
A Health Service provider is providing HTC services to a sex worker at one of the Hotspots in the Machinga district
Issue Discussions
Action Hope Malawi also encourages Sex workers to be discussing issues that affect them, especially gender-based violence and ART adherence.
End the Violence
Challenges to Drug Accountability
Together We can
- November 24, 2019AHM donates community policing reflecting jackets to communities in Zomba District. AHM through...November 24, 2019NO to Child Marriage Ending Child Marriage is AHM’s priority for 2019 in Zomba District. AHM is...November 24, 2018Female Sex Workers’ rights In 2018, Male Champions fighting for Female Sex Workers’ rights....
Contact Us
P.O. Box 20, Namadzi, Malawi,
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