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    Mission Statement

    AHM will endeavor to create solutions to poverty, health, HIV AND AIDS, social injustice, food insecurity, inequality, and environmental degradation in Malawi, with the active participation of the communities.

  • What We Do

    Our Events and Activities

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    Women and Youth Empowerment.

    Improved quality of Life

    This program aims at increasing access to economic opportunities among women in order to be financially independent thereby addressing GBV in their families. The program also targets Adolescent girls and boys (Youth) by giving them economic support through vocational artisan skills that will enable them to create jobs and be economically empowered.

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    Interface Meetings


    Interface meeting: Female Sex workers, Judiciary, Police, and City Council discussing issues that affect Female Sex workers in Zomba, Machinga and Blantyre.

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    Awareness meetings


    Executive Director Sammy Aaron making a speech during one of the Awareness meetings where Senior Government Officials were in attendance

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    Fight Against GBV


    Let's fight against GBV-Executive Director (in the middle in civilian) with Police officers during a parade against GBV in Malawi

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    Under-Aged Sex Workers


    Increasing numbers of some of the under-aged Female Sex workers under-aged sex workers in Machinga have been recruited to quit sex work and currently are undergoing various vocational skills training with funding from KIRK FOUNDATION-DENMARK

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    Vocational Skills Training


    Increasing numbers of some of the under-aged Female Sex workers under-aged sex workers in Machinga have been recruited to quit sex work and currently are undergoing various vocational skills training with funding from KIRK FOUNDATION-DENMARK

  • Our Recent Events Gallery

    Photos & Videos from our events

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    Improved nutrition among children and youths living with HIV/AIDS

    In accordance with the country's vision to ensure that youth and children living with HIV/AIDS are living a healthy and productive life in Malawi, Action Hope Malawi with funding from The Egmont Trust ventured into a project dubbed “improved nutrition among children and youths living with HIV/AIDS” at T/A M’biza and sub-T/A Ntholowa in Zomba. The project targets under 5 children and youths affected by HIV/AIDS.

    The one-year project trained caregivers in utilizing locally available nutritious foods to promote healthy nutrition among children and youths. The project also worked on improving ART adherence among kids living with HIV/AIDS so as to improve wellbeing.


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    Improved access to health services

    Action Hope Malawi with funding from AIDS FONDET is implementing a program to improve access to health services among Female Sex workers in Blantyre, Zomba, and Machinga Districts.

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    MUAC screening

    Action Hope Malawi involved a Nutritionist in facilitating the sessions with the assistance of health personnel in conducting MUAC screening and height measurement using a stadiometer on the children under 5 to determine those with malnutrition for the project and track progress after different interventions.

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    Improved health services

    Access to improved health services is a fundamental human right to all including young people

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    Cooking session at T/A M’biza

    Action Hope Malawi conducted cooking sessions with the caregivers to train them on how to prepare locally available nutritious meals at T/A M’biza and Sub T/A Ntholowa.

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    Caregivers celebrating at T/A M’biza

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